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3 files changed, 127 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/lri-rs/Cargo.toml b/lri-rs/Cargo.toml
index a93f7a3..844806b 100644
--- a/lri-rs/Cargo.toml
+++ b/lri-rs/Cargo.toml
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ edition = "2018"
 # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
-protobuf = { version = "2.22.0", features = ["with-bytes"] }
+protobuf = { version = "3.2", features = ["with-bytes"] }
 serde = "1.0"
 image = "0.23.14"
 anyhow = "1.0"
-protobuf-codegen-pure = "2.22.0"
+protobuf-codegen = "3"
diff --git a/lri-rs/build.rs b/lri-rs/build.rs
index 559ba5c..35ae756 100644
--- a/lri-rs/build.rs
+++ b/lri-rs/build.rs
@@ -1,52 +1,50 @@
 use std::fs;
-use protobuf_codegen_pure::Customize;
+use protobuf_codegen::Customize;
 use std::path::Path;
 fn main() {
-    let proto_dir = "src/proto";
+	let proto_dir = "src/proto";
-    if Path::new(&proto_dir).exists() {
-        fs::remove_dir_all(&proto_dir).unwrap();
-    }
-    fs::create_dir(&proto_dir).unwrap();
+	if Path::new(&proto_dir).exists() {
+		fs::remove_dir_all(&proto_dir).unwrap();
+	}
+	fs::create_dir(&proto_dir).unwrap();
-    protobuf_codegen_pure::Codegen::new()
-        .customize(Customize {
-            gen_mod_rs: Some(true),
-            ..Default::default()
-        })
-        .out_dir(proto_dir)
-        .input("proto/camera_id.proto")
-        .input("proto/camera_module.proto")
-        .input("proto/color_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/dead_pixel_map.proto")
-        .input("proto/device_temp.proto")
-        .input("proto/distortion.proto")
-        .input("proto/face_data.proto")
-        .input("proto/flash_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/geometric_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/gps_data.proto")
-        .input("proto/hot_pixel_map.proto")
-        .input("proto/hw_info.proto")
-        .input("proto/imu_data.proto")
-        .input("proto/lightheader.proto")
-        .input("proto/matrix3x3f.proto")
-        .input("proto/matrix4x4f.proto")
-        .input("proto/mirror_system.proto")
-        .input("proto/point2f.proto")
-        .input("proto/point2i.proto")
-        .input("proto/point3f.proto")
-        .input("proto/proximity_sensors.proto")
-        .input("proto/range2f.proto")
-        .input("proto/rectanglei.proto")
-        .input("proto/sensor_characterization.proto")
-        .input("proto/sensor_type.proto")
-        .input("proto/time_stamp.proto")
-        .input("proto/tof_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/view_preferences.proto")
-        .input("proto/vignetting_characterization.proto")
-        .include("proto")
-        .run()
-        .unwrap();
+	protobuf_codegen::Codegen::new()
+		.pure()
+		.customize(Customize::default().gen_mod_rs(true))
+		.out_dir(proto_dir)
+		.input("proto/camera_id.proto")
+		.input("proto/camera_module.proto")
+		.input("proto/color_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/dead_pixel_map.proto")
+		.input("proto/device_temp.proto")
+		.input("proto/distortion.proto")
+		.input("proto/face_data.proto")
+		.input("proto/flash_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/geometric_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/gps_data.proto")
+		.input("proto/hot_pixel_map.proto")
+		.input("proto/hw_info.proto")
+		.input("proto/imu_data.proto")
+		.input("proto/lightheader.proto")
+		.input("proto/matrix3x3f.proto")
+		.input("proto/matrix4x4f.proto")
+		.input("proto/mirror_system.proto")
+		.input("proto/point2f.proto")
+		.input("proto/point2i.proto")
+		.input("proto/point3f.proto")
+		.input("proto/proximity_sensors.proto")
+		.input("proto/range2f.proto")
+		.input("proto/rectanglei.proto")
+		.input("proto/sensor_characterization.proto")
+		.input("proto/sensor_type.proto")
+		.input("proto/time_stamp.proto")
+		.input("proto/tof_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/view_preferences.proto")
+		.input("proto/vignetting_characterization.proto")
+		.include("proto")
+		.run()
+		.unwrap();
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index 60045b1..7a2634b 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fn main() {
 		if block.is_sensor() {
 			println!("\nIDX {idx}");
-			println!("");
+			fuckwithsensordata(block, idx);
 		} else {
@@ -164,6 +164,88 @@ fn main() {
+fn fuckwithsensordata(block: &Block, idx: usize) {
+	let Block { header, data } = block;
+	let clen = header.combined_length;
+	let hlen = header.header_length;
+	let mlen = header.message_length;
+	println!("\n== Fuck With Sensor Data {idx} ==");
+	println!("Combined: {clen}");
+	println!("Header:   {hlen}");
+	println!("Message:  {mlen}\n");
+	let width = 4160;
+	let height = 3120;
+	let pixel_count = width * height;
+	let packed_count = ((pixel_count as f32 * 10.0) / 8.0) as usize;
+	println!("Assuming {width}x{height} [{pixel_count}] [packed: {packed_count}]");
+	let mut data = block.body();
+	// I'm lazy and don't want to manually increment
+	for x in 0..10 {
+		let fname = format!("block{idx}_image{x}.png");
+		// Use my really efficient (read that sarcastically, please) 10-bit unpacker
+		let mut up = Unpacker::new();
+		for idx in (0..packed_count).rev() {
+			up.push(data[idx]);
+		}
+		up.finish();
+		// Sixteen - eightbits
+		let mut imgdata = vec![];
+		for chnk in up.out.chunks(2) {
+			let sixteen = (u16::from_le_bytes([chnk[0], chnk[1]]) as f32 / 1024.0) * 255.0;
+			imgdata.push(sixteen.min(255.0) as u8);
+		}
+		// we want it to be RGB not weird bayer
+		let rawimg: Image<u8, BayerRgb> = Image::from_raw_parts(
+			width,
+			height,
+			// use mostly fake data except the CFA
+			RawMetadata {
+				whitebalance: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+				whitelevels: [1024, 1024, 1024],
+				crop: None,
+				cfa: CFA::new("BGGR"),
+				cam_to_xyz: Matrix3::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+			},
+			imgdata,
+		);
+		let img = rawimg.debayer();
+		// Yay PNG
+		make_png(
+			&fname,
+			width,
+			height,
+			ColorType::Rgb,
+			BitDepth::Eight,
+			&img.data,
+		);
+		println!("Wrote file {fname}");
+		let skip = packed_count + mlen as usize;
+		if data.len() <= skip + packed_count {
+			println!(
+				"Only {} bytes will be left in data after output! Which is not enough",
+				data.len() - skip
+			);
+			break;
+		} else {
+			data = &data[skip..]
+		}
+	}
+	println!("===================================\n");
 fn dump(data: &[u8], path: &str) {
 	let mut file = File::create(&path).unwrap();