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path: root/src
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authorgennyble <gen@nyble.dev>2023-09-10 02:44:01 -0500
committergennyble <gen@nyble.dev>2023-09-10 02:44:01 -0500
commita962ba9c853a797e9a41b2830ec0181b167d8cd9 (patch)
tree7de53dfcaf87c5d4b43f2e8b38161eb193c136ad /src
parent70187683361d97a8b5a251567323c323c90302f2 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c1842e..0000000
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-use std::{fs::File, io::Write, os::unix::prelude::FileExt, path::Path};
-use lri_rs::{
-	proto::{self, camera_module::CameraModule},
-	Message,
-use nalgebra::Matrix3;
-use png::{BitDepth, ColorType};
-use rawloader::CFA;
-use rawproc::{
-	colorspace::BayerRgb,
-	image::{Image, RawMetadata},
-use unpacker::Unpacker;
-// This code is going to be rough. Just trying to parse this using the technique
-// I know: just play with the raw data
-fn main() {
-	let fname = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap();
-	let mut data = std::fs::read(fname).unwrap();
-	println!("Read {:.2}MB", data.len() as f32 / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
-	let mut blocks = vec![];
-	loop {
-		let header = DataHeader::new(&data[..]);
-		let end = header.combined_length as usize;
-		if end == data.len() {
-			blocks.push(Block { header, data });
-			break;
-		} else {
-			let remain = data.split_off(end);
-			blocks.push(Block { header, data });
-			data = remain;
-		}
-	}
-	println!("Found {} blocks", blocks.len());
-	for (idx, block) in blocks.iter().enumerate() {
-		if block.is_sensor() {
-			println!("\nIDX {idx}");
-			block.header.print_info();
-			fuckwithsensordata(block, idx);
-		} else {
-			block.header.nice_info();
-			dump_lightheader(block, idx);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	// Grabbed, quickly, from the sensor datasheets. (or in the case of the
-	// imx386 on some random website (canwe have a datasheet? shit)).
-	let ar835 = 3264 * 2448;
-	let ar835_6mp = 3264 * 1836;
-	let ar1335 = 4208 * 3120;
-	let imx386 = 4032 * 3024;
-	// Determined by lak experimentally
-	let ar1335_crop = 4160 * 3120;
-	println!("\nAttemtping to unpack image in idx0");
-	let head = &heads[0];
-	let mut msg = body(head, &data);
-	for AHH in 0..2 {
-		let mut up = Unpacker::new();
-		for idx in (0..16224000 * 2).rev() {
-			up.push(msg[idx]);
-		}
-		up.finish();
-		dump(&msg[..16224000], "fordatadog.packed");
-		let mut imgdata = vec![];
-		for (idx, chnk) in up.out.chunks(2).enumerate() {
-			let mut sixteen = (u16::from_le_bytes([chnk[0], chnk[1]]) as f32 / 1024.0) * 255.0;
-			imgdata.push(sixteen.min(255.0) as u8);
-		}
-		let rawimg: Image<u8, BayerRgb> = Image::from_raw_parts(
-			4160,
-			3120 * 2,
-			RawMetadata {
-				whitebalance: [1.0, 1.0, 1.35],
-				whitelevels: [1024, 1024, 1024],
-				crop: None,
-				cfa: CFA::new("BGGR"),
-				cam_to_xyz: Matrix3::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
-			},
-			imgdata.clone(),
-		);
-		let mut img = rawimg.debayer();
-		for px in img.data.chunks_mut(3) {
-			px[0] = (px[0] as f32 * 1.95).min(255.0) as u8;
-			px[2] = (px[2] as f32 * 1.36).min(255.0) as u8;
-		}
-		let png = format!("image_{AHH}.png");
-		make_png(
-			&png,
-			4160,
-			3120 * 2,
-			ColorType::Rgb,
-			BitDepth::Eight,
-			&img.data,
-		);
-		println!("Wrote {png}");
-		msg = &msg[16224000..]; // + head.header.message_length as usize * 2..];
-	}
-	println!("\nDumping the Message of idx 4");
-	dump_body(&heads[4], &data, "msg4.lri_part");
-	let mut modules = vec![];
-	let mut sensor_data = vec![];
-	for (idx, head) in heads.iter().enumerate() {
-		print!("Head {idx} - ");
-		let msg = body(head, &data);
-		match (head.header.header_length == 32, head.header.kind) {
-			(true, 1) => {
-				match lri_rs::proto::view_preferences::ViewPreferences::parse_from_bytes(msg) {
-					Ok(_) => println!("View Preferences: Parsed"),
-					Err(e) => println!("View Preferences, failed: {e}"),
-				}
-			}
-			(true, 0) => match lri_rs::proto::lightheader::LightHeader::parse_from_bytes(msg) {
-				Ok(data) => {
-					let mods = &data.modules;
-					let datas = &data.sensor_data;
-					print!(
-						" [claimed: {} | actual: {}] - ",
-						head.header.message_length,
-						data.compute_size()
-					);
-					println!(
-						"LightHeader! Modules: {} - Datas: {} \\ ModCal: {}",
-						mods.len(),
-						datas.len(),
-						data.module_calibration.len()
-					);
-					modules.extend_from_slice(&mods);
-					sensor_data.extend_from_slice(&datas);
-					if false && data.module_calibration.len() > 0 {
-						for modc in data.module_calibration {
-							print!(" - {:?}", modc.get_camera_id());
-						}
-						println!("");
-					}
-				}
-				Err(e) => println!("LightHeader, failed: {e}"),
-			},
-			(true, knd) => {
-				println!("Unknown header kind [{knd}] and header_length is 32, skipping...");
-			}
-			(false, _) => {
-				println!("SensorData! Skipping for now...");
-			}
-		}
-	}*/
-fn fuckwithsensordata(block: &Block, idx: usize) {
-	let Block { header, data } = block;
-	let clen = header.combined_length;
-	let hlen = header.header_length;
-	let mlen = header.message_length;
-	println!("\n== Fuck With Sensor Data {idx} ==");
-	println!("Combined: {clen}");
-	println!("Header:   {hlen}");
-	println!("Message:  {mlen}\n");
-	let width = 4160;
-	let height = 3120;
-	let pixel_count = width * height;
-	let packed_count = ((pixel_count as f32 * 10.0) / 8.0) as usize;
-	println!("Assuming {width}x{height} [{pixel_count}] [packed: {packed_count}]");
-	let mut data = block.body();
-	// I'm lazy and don't want to manually increment
-	for x in 0..10 {
-		let fname = format!("block{idx}_image{x}.png");
-		// Use my really efficient (read that sarcastically, please) 10-bit unpacker
-		let mut up = Unpacker::new();
-		for idx in (0..packed_count).rev() {
-			up.push(data[idx]);
-		}
-		up.finish();
-		// Sixteen - eightbits
-		let mut imgdata = vec![];
-		for chnk in up.out.chunks(2) {
-			let sixteen = (u16::from_le_bytes([chnk[0], chnk[1]]) as f32 / 1024.0) * 255.0;
-			imgdata.push(sixteen.min(255.0) as u8);
-		}
-		// we want it to be RGB not weird bayer
-		let rawimg: Image<u8, BayerRgb> = Image::from_raw_parts(
-			width,
-			height,
-			// use mostly fake data except the CFA
-			RawMetadata {
-				whitebalance: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
-				whitelevels: [1024, 1024, 1024],
-				crop: None,
-				cfa: CFA::new("BGGR"),
-				cam_to_xyz: Matrix3::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
-			},
-			imgdata,
-		);
-		let img = rawimg.debayer();
-		// Yay PNG
-		make_png(
-			&fname,
-			width,
-			height,
-			ColorType::Rgb,
-			BitDepth::Eight,
-			&img.data,
-		);
-		println!("Wrote file {fname}");
-		let skip = packed_count + mlen as usize;
-		if data.len() <= skip + packed_count {
-			println!(
-				"Only {} bytes will be left in data after output! Which is not enough",
-				data.len() - skip
-			);
-			break;
-		} else {
-			data = &data[skip..]
-		}
-	}
-	println!("===================================\n");
-fn dump_lightheader(block: &Block, idx: usize) {
-	let fname = format!("block{idx}_lightheader.protodump");
-	if !block.is_lightheader() {
-		return;
-	}
-	match lri_rs::proto::lightheader::LightHeader::parse_from_bytes(block.body()) {
-		Err(_e) => {
-			println!("Failed parse I'm so toried to write mote");
-		}
-		Ok(lh) => {
-			let proto = protobuf::text_format::print_to_string_pretty(&lh);
-			std::fs::write(&fname, proto).unwrap();
-			println!("Write protobuf data to {fname}");
-		}
-	}
-fn dump(data: &[u8], path: &str) {
-	let mut file = File::create(&path).unwrap();
-	file.write_all(data).unwrap();
-	println!(
-		"Wrote {:.2}KB to disk as {path}",
-		data.len() as f32 / 1024.0
-	);
-fn make_png<P: AsRef<Path>>(
-	path: P,
-	width: usize,
-	height: usize,
-	color: ColorType,
-	depth: BitDepth,
-	data: &[u8],
-) {
-	let bpp = match (color, depth) {
-		(ColorType::Grayscale, BitDepth::Eight) => 1,
-		(ColorType::Grayscale, BitDepth::Sixteen) => 2,
-		(ColorType::Rgb, BitDepth::Eight) => 3,
-		(ColorType::Rgb, BitDepth::Sixteen) => 6,
-		_ => panic!("unsupported color or depth"),
-	};
-	let pix = width * height;
-	let file = File::create(path).unwrap();
-	let mut enc = png::Encoder::new(file, width as u32, height as u32);
-	enc.set_color(color);
-	enc.set_depth(depth);
-	let mut writer = enc.write_header().unwrap();
-	writer.write_image_data(&data[..pix * bpp]).unwrap();
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct Block {
-	header: DataHeader,
-	data: Vec<u8>,
-impl Block {
-	pub fn body(&self) -> &[u8] {
-		&self.data[32..]
-	}
-	/// Block contains sensor data.
-	pub fn is_sensor(&self) -> bool {
-		self.header.header_length != 32
-	}
-	pub fn is_lightheader(&self) -> bool {
-		!self.is_sensor() && self.header.kind == 0
-	}
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct DataHeader {
-	magic_number: String,
-	combined_length: u64,
-	//FIXME: This appears to be the content length and not the header length? I thought
-	//it was weird that they were putting the header length here. Is the java decomp
-	//wrong?
-	header_length: u64,
-	message_length: u32,
-	// type
-	kind: u8,
-	reserved: [u8; 7],
-impl DataHeader {
-	pub fn new(data: &[u8]) -> Self {
-		let magic_number = String::from_utf8(data[0..4].to_vec()).unwrap();
-		let combined_length = u64::from_le_bytes(data[4..12].try_into().unwrap());
-		//println!("Combined Length: {:?}", &data[4..12]);
-		let header_length = u64::from_le_bytes(data[12..20].try_into().unwrap());
-		//println!("Header Length: {:?}", &data[12..20]);
-		let message_length = u32::from_le_bytes(data[20..24].try_into().unwrap());
-		//println!("Message Length: {:?}", &data[20..24]);
-		let kind = data[24];
-		let reserved = data[25..32].try_into().unwrap();
-		DataHeader {
-			magic_number,
-			combined_length,
-			header_length,
-			message_length,
-			kind,
-			reserved,
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn print_info(&self) {
-		let Self {
-			magic_number,
-			combined_length,
-			header_length,
-			message_length,
-			kind,
-			reserved,
-		} = self;
-		let combined_human = humanish(*combined_length as usize);
-		let header_human = humanish(*header_length as usize);
-		let message_human = humanish(*message_length as usize);
-		println!("Magic: {magic_number}\nCombined Length: {combined_human}\nHeader Length: {header_human}\nMessage Length: {message_human}\nKind: {kind}\nReserved: {reserved:?}");
-	}
-	pub fn nice_info(&self) {
-		let Self {
-			magic_number: _a,
-			combined_length: _b,
-			header_length,
-			message_length: _c,
-			kind,
-			reserved: _d,
-		} = self;
-		println!(
-			"Content length: {:.2}KB | Kind {kind}",
-			*header_length as f32 / 1024.0
-		);
-	}
-	pub fn bin_info(&self) {
-		let Self {
-			magic_number,
-			combined_length,
-			header_length: _a,
-			message_length: _b,
-			kind: _c,
-			reserved: _d,
-		} = self;
-		println!("{magic_number} {:b}", combined_length);
-	}
-pub fn humanish(bytes: usize) -> String {
-	if bytes > 1024 * 10 {
-		// Ehhhhh 10KB
-		format!("{:.2} KB", bytes as f32 / 1024.0)
-	} else if bytes > 1024 * 1024 {
-		// A MB is enough to justify this I guess
-		format!("{:.2} MB", bytes as f32 / 1024.0 * 1024.0)
-	} else {
-		format!("{}", bytes)
-	}