```text Usage: whenwasit [options] PATH ``` little thing meant to be called in a git-hook as to keep track of file creation and modification dates, which are important to me. dumps csv output on stdout, errors abort with a panic *(this will be fixed later)*. Use the `--format` flag *(`-f`)* to switch between outputting `json` or `csv`. the default is `csv`. The flag `--ignore` can be used to ignore paths relative to the one whenwasit was given. See [.whenwasit-ignore](.whenwasit-ignore) as an example. For an example on how you might use whenwasit as a git hook, see [pre-commit](pre-commit). It runs whenwasit before commit, makes the file [times.csv](times.csv), and adds it to the commit. **CSV Output Definition:** because there are varying ways to make a CSV, it's described in detail below. - there is no header; the first row is data - the data rows are in the format `path,btime,mtime,atime` - `path`: file path relative to the root that was provided on the command line - `btime`: time of file creation; birth time - `mtime`: time file was last modified - `atime`: time file was last accessed - if the `path` contains a comma (`,`) or a backslash (`\`), it is escape with a backslash - if any one of the time cannot be attained, the field is left empty. **behavior:** prints a row for the current directory, a row for each file, and then goes into each directory recursively. this results in reading the directory twice as to not cache the directory listings in memory.