use std::{ num::NonZeroU32, ops::DerefMut, rc::Rc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use gilrs::{Axis, Button, Gilrs}; use image::Image; use softbuffer::{Context, Surface}; use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; use winit::{ application::ApplicationHandler, dpi::LogicalSize, event::WindowEvent, event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop}, window::Window, }; mod image; fn main() { setup_logging(); let el = EventLoop::new().unwrap(); // We NEED poll here because of how gilrs does events el.set_control_flow(ControlFlow::Poll); let mut etch = Etch { window: None, gilrs: Gilrs::new().unwrap(), img: Image::new(WIDTH as u32, HEIGHT as u32, Some(BACKGROUND_COLOUR.into())), stylus: Vec2 { x: 10.0, y: HEIGHT / 2.0, }, dial: DialState::default(), left_angle: 0.0, right_angle: 0.0, next_check: Instant::now(), }; el.run_app(&mut etch).unwrap(); } fn setup_logging() { let env_filter = EnvFilter::builder().with_default_directive(LevelFilter::INFO.into()).from_env().unwrap(); tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_env_filter(env_filter).init(); } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)] struct DialState { left: Vec2, right: Vec2, } struct SurfacedWindow { window: Rc, surface: Surface, Rc>, } struct Etch { window: Option, gilrs: Gilrs, img: Image, stylus: Vec2, dial: DialState, left_angle: f32, right_angle: f32, next_check: Instant, } impl Etch { pub fn process_gamepad_events(&mut self) { while let Some(gilrs::Event { id, event, time, .. }) = self.gilrs.next_event() { match event { gilrs::EventType::AxisChanged(axis, value, _code) => { tracing::trace!("{axis:?} value={value}"); if value.is_nan() { continue; } match axis { Axis::LeftStickX => self.dial.left.x = value * 100.0, Axis::LeftStickY => self.dial.left.y = value * 100.0, Axis::RightStickX => self.dial.right.x = value * 100.0, Axis::RightStickY => self.dial.right.y = value * 100.0, _ => (), } } gilrs::EventType::ButtonPressed(btn, code) => { tracing::trace!("Button press! {btn:?}"); match btn { Button::South => { self.img.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOUR.into()); } _ => (), } } _ => (), } } } } // Why are my consts HERE of all places const DIAL_SENSITIVITY: f32 = 10.0; const WIDTH: f32 = 640.0; const HEIGHT: f32 = 480.0; // a very sublte gentle, dark-and-dull green const BACKGROUND_COLOUR: u32 = 0x00868886; const LINE_COLOUR: u32 = 0x00303230; const STYLUS_COLOUR: u32 = 0x00a0a0a0; impl ApplicationHandler for Etch { fn resumed(&mut self, event_loop: &winit::event_loop::ActiveEventLoop) { let window = Rc::new(event_loop.create_window(Window::default_attributes()).unwrap()); window.set_title("that really etches my sketch"); window.set_resizable(false); window.request_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); let ctx = Context::new(window.clone()).unwrap(); let surface = Surface::new(&ctx, window.clone()).unwrap(); self.window = Some(SurfacedWindow { window, surface }); } fn window_event( &mut self, event_loop: &winit::event_loop::ActiveEventLoop, window_id: winit::window::WindowId, event: winit::event::WindowEvent, ) { match event { WindowEvent::CloseRequested => { tracing::info!("close requested! shutting down."); event_loop.exit(); } WindowEvent::RedrawRequested => { self.process_gamepad_events(); // We check the state of the joystick at 40fps if self.next_check.elapsed() > Duration::from_millis(25) { let left_angle = xy_to_deg(self.dial.left.x, self.dial.left.y); let left_is_large = self.dial.left.mag() > 50.0; let left_neither_nan = !left_angle.is_nan() && !self.left_angle.is_nan(); let left_delta = if left_is_large && left_neither_nan { let delta = angle_delta(left_angle, self.left_angle); delta } else { 0.0 }; self.left_angle = left_angle; let right_angle = xy_to_deg(self.dial.right.x, self.dial.right.y); let right_is_large = self.dial.right.mag() > 50.0; let right_neither_nan = !right_angle.is_nan() && !self.right_angle.is_nan(); let right_delta = if right_is_large && right_neither_nan { let delta = angle_delta(right_angle, self.right_angle); delta } else { 0.0 }; self.right_angle = right_angle; tracing::info!( "ANGLE ({}) {left_angle} // {left_delta}v -=- ({}) {right_angle} // {right_delta}v", self.dial.left.mag(), self.dial.right.mag() ); let stylus_prev = self.stylus; let movement_x = left_delta / DIAL_SENSITIVITY; let movement_y = right_delta / DIAL_SENSITIVITY; self.stylus.x = (self.stylus.x + movement_x).clamp(0.0, self.img.width() as f32); self.stylus.y = (self.stylus.y - movement_y).clamp(0.0, self.img.height() as f32); self.img.line( self.stylus.as_u32(), stylus_prev.as_u32(), 2, LINE_COLOUR.into(), ); // Letting the line-draw take care of overdrawing the stylus // worked well except going up for some reason, so we // explicitly overdraw here. self.img.rect(stylus_prev.as_u32(), Vec2::new(2, 2), LINE_COLOUR.into()); // And then draw the stylus self.img.rect(self.stylus.as_u32(), Vec2::new(2, 2), STYLUS_COLOUR.into()); tracing::info!("STYLUS: ({},{})", self.stylus.x, self.stylus.y); self.next_check = Instant::now(); } let Some(surfaced) = self.window.as_mut() else { tracing::warn!("self.window is None in Redraw!"); return; }; let (window_width, window_height) = { let phys = surfaced.window.inner_size(); (phys.width as usize, phys.height as usize) }; let mut buffer = surfaced.surface.buffer_mut().unwrap(); neam::nearest_buffer(, 1, self.img.width(), self.img.height(), buffer.deref_mut(), window_width as u32, window_height as u32, ); surfaced.window.pre_present_notify(); buffer.present().unwrap(); surfaced.window.request_redraw(); } WindowEvent::Resized(phys) => { tracing::trace!("resized window: {phys:?}"); if let Some(surfaced) = self.window.as_mut() { surfaced .surface .resize( NonZeroU32::new(phys.width).unwrap(), NonZeroU32::new(phys.height).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); } } _ => (), } } } fn xy_to_deg(x: f32, y: f32) -> f32 { let neg_x = x < 0.0; let neg_y = y < 0.0; let raw_angle = (y.abs() / x.abs()).atan().to_degrees(); let raw_angle2 = (x.abs() / y.abs()).atan().to_degrees(); match (neg_x, neg_y) { (false, false) => raw_angle2 + 270.0, (false, true) => raw_angle, (true, true) => raw_angle2 + 90.0, (true, false) => raw_angle + 180.0, } } /// Compute the difference in angle between the right-hand side /// and the left-hand side. Intelligently handles the zero-crossing. /// lhs should be the newer value, rhs the older. fn angle_delta(lhs: f32, rhs: f32) -> f32 { // If we move too fast, or flick the stick just right, these values can be // bypassed. Perhaps we can check on either side of 180, but this is working // for now. It used to be 270 and 90 for high/low, respectively, but it was // getting a touch jumpy. const HIGH: f32 = 225.0; const LOW: f32 = 135.0; if rhs >= HIGH && lhs < LOW { // It is likely we crossed zero in the clockwise direction (lhs + 360.0) - rhs } else if rhs < LOW && lhs > HIGH { // It is likely we crossed zero in the anti-clockwise direction lhs - (rhs + 360.0) } else { lhs - rhs } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct Vec2 { pub x: T, pub y: T, } impl Vec2 { pub fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Self { Self { x, y } } } impl Vec2 { pub fn as_u32(&self) -> Vec2 { Vec2 { x: self.x as u32, y: self.y as u32, } } pub fn mag(&self) -> f32 { (self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y).sqrt() } }