use std::{collections::HashMap, env::args}; use image::io::Reader as ImageReader; use image::Rgb; use rayon::prelude::*; const MAX_COLORS: usize = 256; const TOLERANCE: f32 = 0.025; const RGB_TOLERANCE: f32 = 10.0 * TOLERANCE; fn main() { let filename = args().nth(1).unwrap(); let outname = args().nth(2).unwrap(); // The percent of RGB value difference a color has to surpass to be considered unique let imageread = ImageReader::open(&filename).expect("Failed to open image!"); let mut image = imageread .decode() .expect("Failed to decode image!") .into_rgb8(); let selected_colors = quantize(image.pixels()); let mut color_map: HashMap, Rgb> = HashMap::with_capacity(image.len() / 2); // Selected colors are themselves for color in selected_colors.iter() { color_map.insert(*color, *color); } // Max complexity is O(n * max_colors) for color in image.pixels_mut() { let quantized = color_map.entry(*color).or_insert({ let mut min_difference = f32::MAX; let mut min_difference_color = *color; for selected_color in &selected_colors { let difference = rgb_difference(color, selected_color); if difference < min_difference { min_difference = difference; min_difference_color = *selected_color; } } min_difference_color }); *color = *quantized; }"Failed to write out"); } fn quantize<'a, T>(pixels: T) -> Vec> where T: Iterator>, { let mut colors: HashMap, usize> = HashMap::new(); //count pixels for pixel in pixels { match colors.get_mut(pixel) { None => { colors.insert(*pixel, 1); } Some(n) => *n += 1, } } let mut sorted: Vec<(Rgb, usize)> = colors.into_par_iter().collect(); sorted.sort_by(|(colour1, freq1), (colour2, freq2)| { freq2 .cmp(freq1) .then(colour2[0].cmp(&colour1[0])) .then(colour2[1].cmp(&colour1[1])) .then(colour2[2].cmp(&colour1[2])) }); let mut selected_colors: Vec> = Vec::with_capacity(MAX_COLORS); for (key, _value) in sorted.iter() { if selected_colors.len() >= MAX_COLORS { break; } else if selected_colors .iter() .all(|color| rgb_difference(key, color) > RGB_TOLERANCE) { selected_colors.push(*key); } } selected_colors } #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)] #[inline(always)] fn rgb_difference(a: &Rgb, z: &Rgb) -> f32 { let (a, b, c) = pixel_rgb_to_hsv(a); let (d, e, f) = pixel_rgb_to_hsv(z); (((c - f) * (c - f)) + ((a - d).abs() / 90.0) + (b - e).abs()) as f32 } #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] fn pixel_rgb_to_hsv(a: &Rgb) -> (f32, f32, f32) { let (r, g, b) = ( a.0[0] as f32 / 256.0, a.0[1] as f32 / 256.0, a.0[2] as f32 / 256.0, ); let value = r.max(g.max(b)); let x_min = r.min(g.min(b)); let chroma = value - x_min; let hue = if chroma == 0.0 { 0.0 } else if value == r { 60.0 * ((g - b) / chroma) } else if value == g { 60.0 * (2.0 + (b - r) / chroma) } else if value == b { 60.0 * (4.0 + (r - g) / chroma) } else { unreachable!() }; let value_saturation = if value == 0.0 { 0.0 } else { chroma / value }; /* Rotate the color wheel counter clockwise to the negative location | Keep the wheel in place and remove any full rotations _____V____ _____V____ | | |*/ ((hue + 360.0) % 360.0, value_saturation * 2.0, value * 2.0) }