Still early days. Some things work, some things don't. I've details what I know about the LRI format in []( And details about a weird format they use called Bayer JPEG described in []( I took some notes as I worked on this that are in []( if you're interested in that. ## lri-rs A Rust crate for parsing LRI files. This library isn't perfect, but it works enough to be able to grab image data from the filee. ## prism Breaks an LRI into the individual images it contains. TODO: I'd like to, one day, be able to write DNG files from prism, but currently it just spits out PNG. ## lri-proto This is a gently modified version of the [dllu/]( repository. Without the work from Daniel pulling the protobuf definitions from the Lumen software I truly don't know if I could've got as far as I did. MIT Copyright Daniel Lawrence Lu ## lri-study Run with the arguments `gather ` to print information about the LRI files in the directory to stdout. This was very useful to me while developing lri-rs to be able to see if patterns repeated across many different images so I could make some assumptions. ### Licensing? `lri-proto` is MIT Copyright Daniel Lawrence Lu. everything else is ISC copyright gennyble . Just means you have to provide attribution to the correct person if you use this code and that you're free to do with it what you like.