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I took this short video to send to a friend one day and accidentally
made a 106 frame masterpiece. Well, that's hyperbolic. But there's a
lot I enjoy about it.
The contrast between my orange painted nails and the surprisingly
green grass is pretty pleasing. I think the gentle brown of the brick
in the bottom-left corner helps keep from an overwhelming greenery.
Thanks bricks :)
The accidental camera movement is nice, too. I like the angle the camera is at and the way it wobbles.
It's clearly hand-held. At 1.3-ish-seconds
you can see I gently sway forward, but seem to be less wobbly. I'm braced;
I'm stable! I have-three-points-of-contact-with-the-ground! Then, at roughly
2 seconds when the grass finally
yields, I get rocked back and wobbles resume.
The sound! And the sound. The ripping of the grass. That planty matter finally giving way. The fibrous tearing.
I just like it; I enjoy it! I greatly appreciate it.