(1) Using incorrect daylight savings offset for date should warn Like using CDT when we are not in dalyight savings. CST would be correct, but maybe it was on purpose? We should not hard-error, just print somewhere so we see it Someday. (2) Configurable Logging Learn how to use tracing better so we can mark CSS and Images with their file type in the traces and filter them out if we want to. (3) Cleaner templates in writings i have apparently never tried to use a bempline thing in the actual content of a thing. I have learned that this does not work! I had to bodge a system where I tell the formatter it's a template and then I throw it through a different template function where not all of the variables are available? I /really/ need to clean this up (4) Make the statistics graphs have a concept of time they do currently not a concept of time. all they do is pull the latest 256 points and graph them regardless of whether or not the full minute has elapsed or if more than a minute elapsed. this is not very good. get the last 256 points and correctly form them into a graph, not taking more than one point per minute and skipping gaps in data. (5) Only grab a data sample every minute related to (4). currently we grab a datapoint on boot always, but that will lead to a large number of minutes having more than one sample, which will make the graphs end short of we implement (4) how it's described. we could grab more than the required points, but that is wasteful. on boot, before the first point, check when the last sample was taken and wait long enough to be a minute apart if needed. (6) Draw lower-on-average graph line last Drawing the lower graph line last, for networking i am thinking about specifically, will allow it to be drawn over the larger one so it will let us see most of both fo them. This is working now with TX/RX because we do more TX than RX, but that could change and I would rather have it switch with smartness. (7) Stick 404's in the database Mostly because I think it would be funny to see all the weird endpoints the crawlers hit, and a bit to know what links I've killed over the course of time.