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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 38 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/src/gatherer.rs b/src/gatherer.rs
index 53e46f1..c03a0a5 100644
--- a/src/gatherer.rs
+++ b/src/gatherer.rs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use time::OffsetDateTime;
 use crate::{
-	griph::{self, Style},
+	griph::{self, Style, TwoLineOrder},
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ pub fn make_net_graph(state: &AwakeState) {
 		.map(|m| m.map(|n| n.tx_bytes_per_sec() as usize / 125).unwrap_or(0))
+	let rx_sum = rx_zeroed.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x);
+	let tx_sum = tx_zeroed.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x);
 	// Mixing the TX/RX delta so we can pick a range.
 	let mut mixed = vec![0; 512];
@@ -166,12 +169,20 @@ pub fn make_net_graph(state: &AwakeState) {
 	let kinda_highest = mixed[511 - 32];
-	let high_bound = (kinda_highest as f32 / 256.0).ceil().max(1.0) as usize * 256;
+	let high_bound = (kinda_highest as f32 / 64.0).ceil().max(1.0) as usize * 64;
 		.store(high_bound, Ordering::Release);
-	let gif = griph::make_2line(0, high_bound, &tx_deltas, &rx_deltas);
+	let order = if tx_sum > rx_sum {
+		TwoLineOrder::SeriesAFirst
+	} else {
+		TwoLineOrder::SeriesBFirst
+	};
+	tracing::debug!("tx_sum = {tx_sum} // rx_sum = {rx_sum} // order = {order:?}");
+	let gif = griph::make_2line(0, high_bound, &tx_deltas, &rx_deltas, order);
 	let path = state.cache_path.join("current_hostnetinfo.gif");
diff --git a/src/griph/mod.rs b/src/griph/mod.rs
index 636ffd9..377ad90 100644
--- a/src/griph/mod.rs
+++ b/src/griph/mod.rs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ pub enum Style {
 pub fn make_1line(min: usize, max: usize, values: &[Option<usize>], style: Style) -> Gif {
 	let range = max - min;
 	// this assumes a range of values that is >1 per pixel
-	let vpp = range / HEIGHT;
+	let vpp = range as f32 / HEIGHT as f32;
 	let mut raster = vec![0; SIZE];
 	let mut standard = Gif::new(WIDTH as u16, HEIGHT as u16);
@@ -64,20 +64,36 @@ pub fn make_1line(min: usize, max: usize, values: &[Option<usize>], style: Style
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum TwoLineOrder {
+	SeriesAFirst,
+	SeriesBFirst,
 pub fn make_2line(
 	min: usize,
 	max: usize,
 	values1: &[Option<usize>],
 	values2: &[Option<usize>],
+	draw_order: TwoLineOrder,
 ) -> Gif {
 	let range = max - min;
 	// this assumes a range of values that is >1 per pixel
-	let vpp = range / HEIGHT;
+	let vpp = range as f32 / HEIGHT as f32;
 	let mut raster = vec![0; SIZE];
 	draw_grid(&mut raster);
-	draw_line_underfill(&mut raster, values1, vpp, LINE1, LINE1_FILL);
-	draw_line_underfill(&mut raster, values2, vpp, LINE2, LINE2_FILL);
+	match draw_order {
+		TwoLineOrder::SeriesAFirst => {
+			draw_line_underfill(&mut raster, values1, vpp, LINE1, LINE1_FILL);
+			draw_line_underfill(&mut raster, values2, vpp, LINE2, LINE2_FILL);
+		}
+		TwoLineOrder::SeriesBFirst => {
+			draw_line_underfill(&mut raster, values2, vpp, LINE2, LINE2_FILL);
+			draw_line_underfill(&mut raster, values1, vpp, LINE1, LINE1_FILL);
+		}
+	}
 	let mut standard = Gif::new(WIDTH as u16, HEIGHT as u16);
@@ -109,14 +125,14 @@ fn draw_grid(raster: &mut [u8]) {
-fn draw_line(raster: &mut [u8], values: &[Option<usize>], vpp: usize, colour: u8) {
+fn draw_line(raster: &mut [u8], values: &[Option<usize>], vpp: f32, colour: u8) {
 	// Draw Line
 	// this will be discontinuous and i think that's okay. we
 	// could make it a proper line by keeping track what value
 	// was last and drawing the whole vertical there
 	for (x, maybe) in values.iter().enumerate() {
 		if let Some(value) = maybe {
-			let value_height = value / vpp;
+			let value_height = (*value as f32 / vpp) as usize;
 			if value_height > (HEIGHT - 1) {
@@ -130,13 +146,13 @@ fn draw_line(raster: &mut [u8], values: &[Option<usize>], vpp: usize, colour: u8
 fn draw_line_underfill(
 	raster: &mut [u8],
 	values: &[Option<usize>],
-	vpp: usize,
+	vpp: f32,
 	colour: u8,
 	colour_fill: u8,
 ) {
 	for (x, maybe) in values.iter().enumerate() {
 		if let Some(value) = maybe {
-			let value_height = value / vpp;
+			let value_height = (*value as f32 / vpp) as usize;
 			if value_height > (HEIGHT - 1) {
diff --git a/src/ifc.rs b/src/ifc.rs
deleted file mode 100755
index d0a9f5f..0000000
--- a/src/ifc.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-//! The international fixed calendar is a 13-month calendar with each month
-//! containing exactly 28 days. There is an extra day at the end of the year
-//! called the year day.
-//! In leap-years there is an extra day inserted at the end of June called the
-//! leap day. It is directly after the fourth week of june and is given to june,
-//! so it becomes June 29th. The day after June 29th starts the new month, Sol,
-//! with Sol 1.
-//! [Wikipedia: International Fixed Calendar][wp-ifc]
-//! [wp-ifc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar
-use time::Date as TimeDate;
-const MONTHS: [[&str; 2]; 13] = [
-	["January", "Jan"],
-	["February", "Feb"],
-	["March", "Mar"],
-	["April", "Apr"],
-	["May", "May"],
-	["June", "Jun"],
-	["Sol", "Sol"],
-	["July", "Jul"],
-	["August", "Aug"],
-	["September", "Sep"],
-	["October", "Oct"],
-	["November", "Nov"],
-	["December", "Dec"],
-pub struct Calendar {
-	pub year: usize,
-	pub ordinal: usize,
-impl Calendar {
-	pub fn from_year(year: usize) -> Self {
-		Self { year, ordinal: 0 }
-	}
-	pub fn from_time_date(date: TimeDate) -> Self {
-		let year = date.year() as usize;
-		let ord = date.ordinal() as usize;
-		Self { year, ordinal: ord }
-	}
-pub struct Date {
-	pub year: u32,
-	pub month: u8,
-	pub day: u8,
-impl Date {
-	pub fn from_time_date(date: TimeDate) -> Self {
-		let year = date.year() as u32;
-		let ord = date.ordinal();
-		if !year_leaps(year) || ord <= 168 {
-			// not a leap year path
-			// also the "leap year but before the leap-day" path
-			Self {
-				year,
-				month: (ord / 28) as u8,
-				day: (ord % 28) as u8,
-			}
-		} else if ord == 169 {
-			Self {
-				year,
-				month: 6,
-				day: 29,
-			}
-		} else {
-			todo!()
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn is_leap(&self) -> bool {
-		year_leaps(self.year)
-	}
-/// Whether or not a year is a leap year
-fn year_leaps(year: u32) -> bool {
-	let four = year % 4 == 0;
-	let hundreds = year % 100 == 0;
-	let fourhund = year % 400 == 0;
-	// leap if:
-	// - four AND NOT hundred
-	// - four AND hundred AND fourhund
-	// `fourhund` here checks `hundreds` by virtue of 100 being a multiple of 400
-	four && (!hundreds || fourhund)
-mod test {
-	use crate::ifc::year_leaps;
-	#[test]
-	fn leap_years() {
-		// the examples given by wikipedia
-		assert!(year_leaps(2000));
-		assert!(!year_leaps(1700));
-		assert!(!year_leaps(1800));
-		assert!(!year_leaps(1900));
-		// testing the four rule
-		assert!(year_leaps(2024));
-	}
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index d4faf9f..99ab22f 100755
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ mod error;
 mod fs;
 mod gatherer;
 mod griph;
-mod ifc;
 mod markup;
 mod settings;
 mod templated;