#! /usr/bin/env bash # # usage: # git new-repo section/repo-name # # example: # git new-repo fonts/scientifica # creates: user@remote:fonts/scientifica # # script written by Akshay and seen on # # and gently modified by me # (added the echo and got carried away with colour) HOST=gen@quartet CGIT_ROOT=git if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "requires an arg" exit 1 fi IBlack="\033[0;90m" White="\033[0;37m" Yellow="\033[0;33m" Reset="\033[0m" echo -en "${IBlack}" ssh $HOST git init --bare "$CGIT_ROOT/$1"; echo -e "${White}Add it as remote 'origin' with the command" echo -e "${IBlack}$ ${Yellow}git remote add origin ${HOST}:$CGIT_ROOT/$1${Reset}"